Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Originally uploaded by Wilson Swain.
A man in the wilderness
Asked this of me,
"How many strawberries
Grow in the sea?"
I answered him
As I thought good,
"As many red herrings
As swim in the wood."

I want to do this as a painting eventually, time permitting.

Monday, July 25, 2005

painting2 copy

painting2 copy
Originally uploaded by Wilson Swain.
This is this week's painting from the model. I was completely frustrated painting it, so I reworked it once I got home. I can't explain the hat. From the neck down, she was dressed as a harlequin. The woman was actually very pretty, which made her harder to paint.


painting copy
Originally uploaded by Wilson Swain.
On Saturday nights Art Center has a model session with a long pose open to current students and alum. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things. This was the first week's painting. The one I did the other night was more of a struggle.

There are still people in this world sporting handle bar mustaches. I wish I'd given this guy a sea captain's hat and a telescope.

Sunday, July 17, 2005


Originally uploaded by Wilson Swain.
This is the first of two images about there being multiple wolves out there in the woods willing to screw you over. Little Blue Riding Hood is followed closely behind by a Little Orange Riding Hood. The wolves are in competition for the prize, but there's more than one stupid little girl to take advantage of. It's a cynical viewpoint, and I'm not sure the second painting is any less gruesome.

Grandma Wolves

Originally uploaded by Wilson Swain.
This is the second of two images retelling the story of red riding hood with multiple wolves and little girls aplenty.

The first image (see above) has to do with there being more than one wolf in the world out to do you in. This one is about what can happen to those wolves once they grow complacent and overly comfortable in their cushy new role as Grandma. You piss off enough little girls, and I think you can expect a revolt.

Friday, July 15, 2005


Originally uploaded by Wilson Swain.
I've been working on projects I'm not allowed to put online yet, so I'm going to be updating this thing with older imagery for a little while.

This was done as an update to a book dummy I'd put together. I like the subject matter and I really like the perspective. It's just fun. I'll restage the story at some point, but my yammering on about it here won't help that get done. So I'll shut up for now.

Thursday, July 14, 2005


Originally uploaded by Wilson Swain.
I don't have much to say about this painting. I've been playing around with throwing architecture and landscape on top of itself. I love the idea, stylistically, behind the silent film--The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari--which uses a form of cubism and flattened perspective. Most of its influences are apparent in some stop motion films today--hello Tim Burton.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Kids in trees

Originally uploaded by Wilson Swain.
What's more summer-y than climbing a tree? As kids, we used to scale the old willow out by the railroad tracks in our back yard. We'd swing on the vinelike branches, but we couldn't get very far out over the hill. The neighbors had a rope tied to a branch in one of their trees and there we could try to swing out and bounce off the train with out feet as it passed. I was a bit of a chicken, but there were kids in the group who accomplished loud thuds. Luckily nobody died.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Mike Teevee

Originally uploaded by Wilson Swain.
Just in time for Tim Burton's Willy Wonka, I'll add this stray piece I finally had time to sit down and finish up. I've done a whole series featuring each of the kids...except one. Someday I will get to Veruca Salt and her garbage chute utilizing squirrels, then life will make sense again. It's good to have goals. It'd be better to have a finished piece.

Monday, July 11, 2005


pixels copy
Originally uploaded by Wilson Swain.
I recently saw War of the Worlds and tho the effects were brilliant--watching actors run from digital monsters just isn't scary.

Offshore Pirate

Originally uploaded by Wilson Swain.
This piece is based on F.Scott Fitzgerald's short story 'The Offshore Pirate'. A musician and his band are hired to hijack a yacht with a millionaire's spoiled niece on board. The handsome thief ignores the lady, piquing her interest. The plot is silly but it's fun, and of course it all ends happily.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Pirate Cats

Originally uploaded by Wilson Swain.
This is from a story I almost illustrated fully, but did not. No children's book portfolio could be complete without a motherly chicken a la Richard Scarry--complete with kerchief and apron. The pattern from this chicken's head scarf is the same as my sister's old Raggedy Ann doll.

A great aunt used to have an old abandoned chicken coup behind her house. I'd sneak in there and find bits of bone or feather fluffings mingled with dirty, musty hay. I suppose I was a little scared the place was haunted by flocks of slaughtered poultry but I never stuck around long enough to find out.

Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee

Originally uploaded by Wilson Swain.
"Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee
Resolved to have a battle,
For Tweedle Dum said Tweedle Dee
Had spoiled his nice new rattle.

Just then flew by a monstrous crow
As big as a tar barrel,
Which frightened both the heroes so
They quite forgot the battle."

I am certain that the author fully intended the brothers to be guinea pigs and simply forgot to mention it.

Sunday Outing

Originally uploaded by Wilson Swain.
Truth be told, I had some space to fill on a promotional piece. I've been working to keep my kids a little less creepy. I like a certain amount of scariness in a character, but there are genuinely sweet moments in life too. Don't ask me when they are.

No one looks at this lady and assumes the pie is poisoned. From my standpoint, I'd call that success.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Four and Twenty

Originally uploaded by Wilson Swain.
I've always loved cross sections. I used to look at David Macauley's series on building historic architecture all the time as a kid. Every book would show someone sitting on that era's version of a toilet.

I decided to forego that tradition for this nursery rhyme. With a queen in the parlor, a king in the counting house, the knave could very well have been in the john, but I'll leave that to your imagination.

Influences for this piece also came from 'The Bears' Famous Invasion of Sicily', Alistair Graham's 'Full Moon Soup' and Eyvind Earle's backgrounds for Sleeping Beauty.

There was an Old Lady

Originally uploaded by Wilson Swain.
It all starts with a fly. No way I want to be the horse that happens on the scene just in time to eat a cow. Being swallowed by a crazy old lady is one thing, gnawing on raw beef afterwards is above and beyond.