Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The Sandwich Trade

Originally uploaded by Wilson Swain.
All around the world, even in lunchrooms better than yours or mine, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are getting swapped for ham on rye. Maybe. Just maybe...these swaps are a matter of life or death. Especially when lunch is still alive.

The wolf's lunch/pig has two slices of bread tied around him a la Shel Silverstein's hippopotamus sandwich. Always steal from the best.

Thursday, October 12, 2006


Originally uploaded by Wilson Swain.
I love a good treehouse and if kids are gonna play pirate, it's as good a place as any. Okay, maybe not quite so good as the beach, but maybe animal pirates are different. In fact, I'm sure they must be.

Our neighbors, growing up, had a treehouse of sorts. They built multi-leveled rooms between 4 telephone poles over their backyard sandbox. From this I learned that outside gets very cold at night, even in summer. And don't play in the sandbox if cats live nearby.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Till Death

Till Death
Originally uploaded by Wilson Swain.
This is that 'Apparitions' piece I've been working on for a Halloween group show at Lunar Boy Gallery up in Astoria. I'm not certain if the lady in the chair is dead or dreaming, but she and the bride share a past. The more I talk about a piece, the less I like it, so I should refrain from doing that here. I'll just say that I need to paint a few half eaten babies to cleanse the pallette now. I think this is pretty sweet.